You are not the only one who feels bored at church. One Sunday a young guy named Eutychus gathered with other follwers of Jesus in a home, which was their custom at the time. Paul was there that day to teach.
Paul was smart but not a great speaker and he talked... and talked... and talked until midnight. (2 Corinthians 11:6)
Eutychus listened while sitting on the windowsill of a third-story room. At one point he could not keep his eyes open. He fall asleep and fell out the window. He died when he hit the ground. (Acts 20:7-9)
Everyone rushed downstairs. Paul took the young man's dead body into his arms and said, "Dont worry, he's alive!" And Eutychus was fine.
In church we get to see people come alive again. We get to see a man, deadened by addiction, reborn. We get to see a woman's emotional wounds heal into scars. We get to see relationship and people come alive in the power of Jesus.
Church is a community of the resurrected. Is is okay to be bored in church sometimes. God wont strike you with a lighting bolt or throw you out of a window. In those moment, remind yourself why you are thr. Church is not an event, it is a group of people who reveal where God is bringing life to the world and how we can be part of it.
As Annie Lamott says, you attend church to take in new life and offer it to others.