Monday, December 1, 2014

Journey to K.K

Later go to KK by air asia leh! So excited n nervours! Go to other place without family n  boyfriend, wow... hope God may bless me along the 5days journey happily, safety and healthy! I love you my dear! miss my family n my dear right now.. btw,  meet my school teacher Mr.Ganesan here!

Wish myself happy and safe flight!!

Saturday, November 22, 2014


OMG! Thank you my dear baby to give me this wonderful present although not my birthday or valentine day.. hehe... it is much fit and comfortable! for me, everyday is valentine's day as being together with you! Happy♡

A pair of shoes means I had walked in your life and explore the journey with you!

Monday, November 17, 2014


Promise always makes people feels joyful and hopeful. That is the one of the promise he gave me which i care the most in this relationship.. mostly like some kind of power to push me up and make me tough!

Loves the one who can see, then loves the one who cannot see.

LOVE♡ always related with PROMISE.

Sunday, November 16, 2014




如今他们都毕业了,即将踏入另一个里程碑了!愿上帝祝福你们! (哭)

Thursday, November 6, 2014

so funny!

Is it a steam egg or a pie?? ^^ im so glad to my cooking skill, transforms egg into another look!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Ah kit's big day!

Happy 22th birthday to ah kit !!
too excited until the knife can broke into half while cut the cake!
May God bless him all his life and wish him loves more God day by day!

Sunday, October 12, 2014















Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Where are you?

Yup, it is the right time to refresh my mind before start my class.
Actually, spending time with self is good, can agree self about what I like, what I want, what I hate, what I sorry about, what i need..ect..

Maybe, I need to change the way I thinking, maybe I should not get too attached, this only brings me disappointed, angry, envy and those things which negative..

I do not want bad mood, I do not want angry when I heard about her name, I do not want unhappy when everybody feels happy around, I want all those things GET OFF from my mind.. its hurts me..

But what can I do? I am just a little, tini-tiny person, so I can do nothing.
 Who will still listen to me? I hope God will send you to me...

I still love you anyway..

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


套小S的话: "挑男人没别的,就是要疼你。任由这男人再有钱,再有口才,再有能力,孝顺父母感动天地,任劳任怨,但他不疼你,这也没用。"

套网友的回应: "如果男人没有钱,没有口才,没有能力,殴打父母,杀人放火,好吃懒做,但这男人很疼你,你还要吗?"

照我想想:" 找个很爱上帝的男人就准没错,神的爱能遮盖一切罪,爱神的人一定爱人;爱神的人永不饥饿;爱神的人永不贫穷;爱神的人永远刚强壮胆;爱神的人永远孝顺父母;爱神的人总肯吃苦耐劳;爱神的人永远疼爱自己的另一半;爱神的人总是把爱散播出去♥"

"世界上最大的就是爱,爱能胜过一切,爱是永不止息的!" 愿读过这文章的人天天喜乐,美好生活每一天,更加疼爱你身边的人。

Oh my god! Is this me?!

First day to start my work. Totally sleepy and cant raise up myself.. In fact, last night i cant sleep well, keep dreaming nightmare and keep thinking about some problems... Bad mood all yesterday and it spoils my holiday indeed. That is how i look now (the picture), pls dont freak out! Thats really how i look like..

Monday, October 6, 2014

人生有几何?为明天来干杯! cheers!!

Happy 51th birthday to my dad oh!! May God bless him always n rejoice everyday yea!


Thursday, October 2, 2014

The book i got yesterday! yeah!

简介: 当我们在生活中遭遇不幸和痛苦是,会觉得自己好像被上帝抛弃了。拿俄米也曾有这种感觉,但其实上帝并没有抛弃她。相反地.....

My dream bedroom when i am still single^^

It is simple but pretty; it is small but much useful, what a fantastic idea!

As compare to my life, it is much different. Life is full with complicated, ugly, darkness and hopeless. That is the reason why God sent his only child to the world. He comes here to give us hope and light, rejoice and freedom.

Jesus is like the creator of this bedroom, he break the old traditional concept of bedroom into a multipurpose bedroom. For Jesus, he brought a brand new rules and teaching to the world and spread the new gospel to those people who dont know. World changing faster and faster until we cant realized, so we always have to think creative and positively as we can fight with satan!

The bedroom, my dream;
The Jesus, my hope!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Happy 25th birthday to my dear! this is the 4th time we celebrate this big day together! i had realized that we are getting mature year by year no matter in attitude or thinking way. From this, I am more understand you about what u like or what u dont like.

Here by, I wish you getting stronger in you life journey, keep growing up in your spritual life, love God more deeper day by day, getting passion in God'S work and keep your handsome face until the end! haha!

I love you biao and hope we can walk in a brand new life journey soon.. God bless you! yea..

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Blood donation today! Thanks God cox I have extra blood to donate for saving people's life. LOVE LIFE♡

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

We have a same smilling face! Thats call "couple face"!♥

What 'LIFE' means?
Most of people think that it means:
L- Lost
I-  Irritate
F- Failed
E- End

But, Jesus told us that:
L- Lord
I-  Intelligent
F- Faith n forgives
E- Evangelism

People who doesnt has Lord in own life, it is dark, because word of Lord is light n hope! Do not think that life is hopeless n meaningless, that is because u have no God in ur life. God may teach u n tell u about what is Love, and He will give you many opportunities to learn about Love, learn to loves God, loves families, loves friends, loves partner, love people u mau not know and even loves ur enemies!!

Bible is a guide book in our life. It maybe hard to understand but holy spirit will help us out once you pray for help. God really loves to listen our pray n praise, because He loves to listen to ur voice just because we are his children. No matter happen in our life , we must tough, brave n learn to cry. Yup! Learn to cry in front of God, this is the way to express bad feeling n it is the time u close to God the most..

Do not think im always the lucky one, dont you remember that God had decided our life before we give birth? This is the precious present God gave you, must appreciate. When need help, just told to God, then continue ur life. Life in this world is just a short trip, we are the tourist, one day, v will back to our real home, the Heaven.

God is always look after us, he is always give a hand for us when v need help, just u didnt realise. I love you, God let you walk in my life and let me walk in your life. God had sent me a helper ,a guider, a best friend, a lover and this was you! No matter what is my identity in your life, you are just for me.

I am not a perfect girl , not the girl who guys prefer . I have no beautiful face, no long legs, no nice body, no big eyes, no sweet voice but Thank you for the everything u gave me, the concern, love, care n be my beloved one. I just want your love and care but not from other guys. I love you, and try to love yourself too...

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Saturday, June 7, 2014


Day 1


Day 2